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March 28, 2020

Books that Shaped me as a Reader

Without even realizing it, books have been such a formative force in my life. Since I learned how to read, they not only helped me grow academically but also personally. I thought it would be nice to go through each book that made an impact enough on me and my life as a reader throughout my childhood. I think a lot of the books that have impacted me are universal for a lot of young readers and I'd love to have that bond with so many of you!

March 9, 2020

Book Unhaul

I'm on Spring Break so I thought it was the perfect time for some spring cleaning. This means a book unhaul! My first book unhaul. I'm usually one of those people that keeps any and every book I've ever owned but recently, I've found that I need so much more space on my already tiny bookshelves and I was already taking books out I didn't like or am not interested in reading and putting them in a different storage. But after enough books taken out, I thought it was finally time to part with them. Plus, if I can sell them on ebay and get a little extra money from them, that's just a win-win situation right? So here's my unhaul: