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August 20, 2019

University Book Tag

School (and more specifically, college) is back in session! I started today as well. So let's 'celebrate' this new school year in style. With a book tag! This tag was originally created by ViktoriaReads

First day:
The first day of uni can be full of unexpected emotions: name a book that you had an unexpected emotional response to (good or bad)

I went into The Kite Runner and The Glass Castle not really knowing what to expect or what they were about. What I got in return was my heart breaking with what these people had to go through. They were beautifully written books and two of my favorites. But, at the same time, it was hard not to be emotional while reading them.

Picking your major -
Picking your major should reflect your academic interest:
Name the book genre you read the most

While it isn't on purpose, it seems I only really read books that fall within two genres: FANTASY and CONTEMPORARY. It's very rare I read things out of these genres. I love seeing things about the supernatural and I love reading cute and angst-ridden novels about romance in the contemporary world.
Optional papers:
Name a book or series you are interested, in but is in a genre you never read

I normally never read Sci-Fi, nor am I usually drawn to the genre. But Aurora Rising is one of the books that have caught my attention this year. It has a lot of hype and even just the cover is alluring. I don't even think I've ever read a Sci Fi novel so I'm not sure I'll ever read it, but I have definitely been tempted.

I also tend to stick with YA and very rarely delve into the adult fiction world. But Daisy Jones & The Six has been so hyped up, including the author herself, and honestly, it seems to encapsulate everything I'm usually interested in, even outside of books. So that is why it has landed a spot on my TBR - I just need to get my hands on it first.

Freshman dorm:
Name a character you would love and one you would hate to share your dorm with
I would love to share a room with Eli from Along for the Ride. I always have to mention some book or character by Sarah Dessen and Eli just fits this prompt perfectly. I'm a big introvert, even though I wish I could live life more on the edge and adventurous than I actually do. So I think Eli would be the perfect roommate to push me to do just that and see a new part of the world that I haven't been exposed to before - just like he did with Auden.

I would hate to share a room with Kat from Heist Society. It's not because I hate her as a character but it's because of what she is. She's a thief and grew up in that lifestyle. She's such a badass character but as a roommate, I would just live everyday terrified that she would steal my things or, with her skill, that she already has and I just haven't noticed.

College boyfriend/girlfriend:
Name a character that would be your boy/girlfriend in college

Hands down, no competition: Gansey from The Raven Cycle. Currently, I think this series has become my favorite of all time and it only makes sense I have my current book boyfriend in it. Gansey is everything I usually don't like. But somehow, he makes it impossible not to fall for him. He's so otherworldly, kind and all around swoon worthy. Not to mention I know he would thrive in college with all his research and slightly pretentious aura (okay, maybe a little more than slightly).
Tutoring -
Tutoring is all about passing your knowledge down:
Name a book/series that you’ve passed on to someone else, and one that someone passed down to you

When I was in middle school, I picked up Enthusiasm knowing absolutely nothing about it. But I was quickly smitten with it. I loved the plot, the characters, everything. I loved it so much that it became my first book I ever leant out/passed on to someone else because I wanted others to read it and enjoy it just as much as I did.

I've never seen The Vampire Diaries. But all my friends love it so much that they passed it down to me. They kept telling me about it, begging me to watch it and while it never got me to start up the television show, it interested me enough to pick up the first bundle in the series and I really enjoyed it. Enough that I'm planning on continuing on with the series.

Parties -
College parties are full of people doing crazy stuff:
Name a book that took a very unexpected turn
Would it be so incredibly predictable if I said We Were Liars? Especially since I read it recently? Either way, this is definitely the first book that comes to mind when thinking of an unexpected turn. Not only because there's a huge plot twist/reveal that I didn't see coming at all but because throughout the book, I wasn't really enjoying it but after the twist, I saw the book in such a new light and liked it a lot more.
Name a book that took you forever to read
I think I DNF'd Kissed by an Angel book about three times in a span of four years. I just couldn't get into it and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't get past the first few chapters. But finally, I decided to give it one last try in 2018. It wasn't the best book ever but it was a lot more interesting the last time around and strangely - it was memorable. But four years was definitely a record for me.
Name a book you felt forced to read (society pressure or school)
The Catcher in the Rye is such a popular book in our society, specifically Holden Caulfield. It has definitely made its mark and is a powerful book. That's why I felt such a need to read it and see what all the fuss was about. Definitely not my favorite book - not even, necessarily, a liked book - I could definitely appreciate it's influence and powerful themes.
Name a book you felt accomplished after reading

The Death of Vishnu was my first read in its genre and it's my first read so deeply into a culture/religion I was completely unfamiliar with. When I finished, I felt so much more knowledgable on Hinduism and Indian society than I was before I read it. It made me so much more interested in the topics than before and I definitely felt accomplished.

All in all, good luck to anyone that's currently in school, college or otherwise. Remember to take care of yourself during this year and try your best. I believe in you! 

I usually don't tag specific people because I want to hear everyone's opinions. If you want to do this tag, I tag you! Do your own posts and let me know what your answers are.

What do you think of my answers? 


  1. Oh I need to do this tag! Lovely post hun!! <3

    1. Thank you so much! Yeah, I just thought this tag was perfect for this time of year. And please do! Looking forward to seeing your answers and take on this tag.
