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July 16, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Couples

Welcome to my first Top Ten Tuesday! I decided to do my first one about what is usually my favorite part of the books I read. Romance! I've been on a reading hiatus for a few years so I haven't read many of the current popular books. Who knows, maybe once I've read more series and books, my list will change a lot. But the couples I've chosen now are near and dear to my heart and come from books that have a big part in my book loving heart. They're from all genres within the YA category. Let me know what you think of my list and who would make your list!

1. Zach & Cammie (Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter)

➶ "I always finish what I start.”➴

The flirty banter, the way they absolutely fit with each other/leaned on each other in more than just a romantic aspect. I never wanted their story to end. I love the way it progressed, slowly and perfectly. It was organic, sweet, everything I could ever hope for. My first YA ship and really, what more could I want?

2. Étienne St. Clair & Anna (Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins)

➶ "Welcome to Paris, Anna. I'm glad you've come.”

Their relationship was exactly what you dream of happening in your life. It was cliche but just thinking of them makes me feel giggly, giddy and makes me feel young again. Every scene between them was a breath of fresh air. I loved the beautiful friendship that they first got to have before venturing more. It was innocent, tentative and gush-worthy. Not only does it make you want to have a summer fling, a relationship and friendship like theirs, it makes you want to travel the world and get out of your comfort zone.

3. Gansey & Blue (The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater)

➶ "It'll be okay"

Even just seeing a tiny fraction of Gansey and Blue's connection was enough to make me want to read all of it, right now. I love how naturally they progressed from strangers with a tinge of dislike for one another to good friends. I think the trust and respect each hold for each other is beautiful and just strengthens their fates. They're total opposites which really solidifies the important roles each play in the opening the other's life. The tension between them throughout the book is just a bonus to get to see. 

4. Wes & Macy (The Truth about Forever by Sarah Dessen)

➶ "I like flaws. I think they make things interesting." 

 I loved Wes and his relationship with Macy. I loved the way they brought out the best in each other. I saw myself a lot in Macy and the way Wes helped her see the world in a different perspective, a more carefree way, made me feel really fuzzy inside. Everything about the relationship was absolutely incredible!

5. Jace & Clary (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare)

➶ "Because there isn't anything I believe in more."

Jace was immediately such an important character in my life. I love the absolute intensity they have for one another, I love the way they really feel like equals in the way they respect and bounce off of each other. One of my favorite parts is how much they challenge each other to be better and stronger.

6. Alex & Brittany (Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles)

➶ "You are the one girl that made me risk everything for a future worth having." 

The ultimate opposites attract couple! It was the perfect romance. They really managed to balance each other out, grow from the other's experiences and help each other not only go through downfalls but also make themselves more open-minded. 

7. Ron & Hermione (Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling)

➶ "You asked us a question and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don't want to be told?"

Hermione and Ron were everything the other needed. I prefer relationships that have a good foundation to them and I think they had the best foundation. Their friendship was beautiful, they would literally die for each other, they shed tears for the other. Before they were even together! It was such a satisfying feeling to see small hints of romantic feelings here and there and even more gratifying when they finally got together. They're just so cute.

8. Magnus & Alec (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare)

➶ "You're my first so many things, Alec Lightwood."

They're just so sweet. So awe-worthy and I think how much these two care about each other is so amazing to see grow and be explored. They look out for each other and help each other become better versions of themselves, overcome fears, which is exactly what a healthy, amazing relationship should be.

9. Augustus & Hazel Grace (The Fault in Our Stars by John Green)

➶ "It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you."

At this point, do I love them or do I love their quotes? Beautiful, heart-wrenching, raw. Their relationship was so eloquent, it felt like they connected on everything especially with all that they could relate on. Everything about them was so thought provoking. The emotions they were able to bring out in each other and in the reader just solidified how amazing their relationship was.

10. Edward & Bella (Twilight by Stephanie Meyer)

➶ "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…"

It isn't so much that I love their relationship now, it's how much I used to love it. The nostalgia Edward and Bella bring to me is incredible. It was exciting seeing them overcome so many obstacles just to be with each other, sacrificing so much. This book changed YA, I feel, and so did this couple.


  1. Finally, someone else who's read The Gallagher Girls!!! That series is one of ultimate favourites because it got me into my reading obsession when I was younger and no one's ever heard of it!!! I'm so glad there's a fandom out there somewhere- however small

    1. Yes yes yes!!! I have no idea how that series isn't more popular in the book community. It is the reason I became an avid reader. I was obsessed with it when I started reading it when I was younger. It's so amazing when I find others who love it as well.

  2. Anna and St. Clair are definitely on my list!! <3

    1. Everything about them was just so adorable!

  3. Jace and Clary also stole my heart.

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Yes! Their relationship dynamic was so beautiful to watch unfold. Thanks for your comment.
